*Photo courtesy of US Army Photographer

Next ceremony is 12:00 noon on Dec 13, 2025!

What We Do

Our goal at Wreaths for Warriors Walk is to place a veteran’s wreath at the tree of each and every fallen soldier along the Fort Stewart Warriors Walk in a solemn memorial service. With generous donations, selfless volunteers, and in coordination with Wreaths Across America (WAA), our vision became a reality in December 2007. Based on the overwhelming support and attendance at that first event, we decided to make it an annual event. In order to ensure contributors that their donations were used as intended, we incorporated as a non-profit in 2008.

We need your support and sponsorship to help make this event successful every year. To find out how to sponsor a wreath or make a donation, please visit our Sponsor a Wreath page.

Who We Are

Wreaths for Warriors Walk, Inc, is a non-profit corporation organized in the state of Georgia. We are not affiliated with the US Army, 3rd Infantry Division, or Fort Stewart, Georgia. We are supported entirely by unsolicited donations. As a non-profit, we are required to have officers, but they do not receive a salary or compensation of any kind. The board is assisted by a core group of dedicated volunteers comprised of military retirees, local veterans’ organizations, service organizations, and local citizens who care deeply about soldiers, especially those soldiers associated with Fort Stewart.

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